I am so excited to announce to you that as an Orr & Associates client you have access to BizAssure, Premium Business Consulting Service at no charge. BizAssure offers free help for our clients, offering quick answers to your business questions. Right when you need it. Right over the phone. BizAssure can help you with your legal, accounting and human resourse questions, and much, much more.
Orr & Associates has invested in this program on your behalf to help protect our clients because we recognize that protecting your business can require more than insurance. For example, we help clients with fire insurance, but we have seen more clients suffer financial loss from issues involving firing an employee than an actual fire burning their building. Protecting yourself from this kind of "fire" is just as important to your financial future and we are pleased to provide this service as a benefit to you for placing your business with Orr & Associates.
All you need to sign up for this program is an in-force insurance policy with Orr & Associates (it can be any line of business). You will need to sign the BizAssure membership agreement and get it back to me. Shortly after that you will receive a welcome packet from BizAssure with your membership number and directions on how to access their service representatives.
Those of you who are already O&A clients can give me a call and I will get the BizAssure membership agreement to you, or you will notice that is will be included with our quote to you upon your policy renewal.
If you would like more information about this program before signing up, you can always give me a call or you can check out their website at www.bizassure.com.
I hope that you take advantage of this wonderful service. We do not make any additional money from your BizAssure membership. It is purely a benefit we offer to our clients. As a BizAssure member myself, I have used the service for legal advice, employment practices advice, tax advice and much more. Trust me, no question is too big or too small. Once you become a member we encourage you to use the service and experience how this consulting service can benefit your business.